Category: Personal

  • Why work for free? Or, The courage of my convictions.

    Why work for free? Or, The courage of my convictions.

    My original intention was to use the famous photo of Thích Quảng Đức, the Buddhist monk who undertook self-imollation in protest on June 11th 1963, on this blog post. When I then went to search for an open source image file, I paused and thought, that’s a good way to cheapen his life, by using…

  • Taking 2 Days Off

    Taking 2 Days Off

    Sometimes the most important things are the simplest. I’m simply going to rest for a couple of days. So many options and so many paths have opened up. And I’ve begun to walk down many of them already. So today we find a tree a short distance away from the paths. We clear out a…

  • Day One Journal Prompt – Love 🫶

    Day One Journal Prompt – Love 🫶

    ” What have you learned in your life about love?” That love and energy are two separate things. Love is (can be) limitless, bottomless, and endless. It can wait patiently and wait anxiously, all with the same intent. Energy, however, ebbs and flows every moment. It can reach fantastic highs in the blink of an…

  • Day One Journal Prompt – Clutter

    “Where can you reduce clutter in your life?” Absolutely nowhere. Not a single place. Not a single thing. It’s one of a small few things I’ve checked off the list completely and forever (or at least for today if tomorrow doesn’t come 🙂). Everything I own in the world 🌎 fits into a 30L backpack.…